Wednesday 4 April 2012


Just a quick check in today. After discussing the joys and addictive power of Facebook and email with a friend last night, I have decided I will always (major pledge here) write for at least 20 minutes each morning. Before switching the computer on. Yes, I know. Is that even possible?

Turns out, it is. This morning I got up, made a cup of tea, went to the corner shop, listened to something about a baby mammoth on the Today programme, then spent half an hour writing about the similarity and difference between sanity and madness.  (God knows why - I was planning to write a description of my kitchen.)  But what I do know is that I felt much, much saner at the end of it. I think morning pages (and swimming) may well be the meaning of life.

I don't get hung up about what I write, or whether it is imaginative enough, or whether anything makes sense, just keep going on. Wonderful feeling, no pressure, only words.